On 11/04/17 11:00, Tony Whyman via Lazarus wrote:
This question could be reformulated as "How do I dynamically determine
the correct GUI to use or whether to use the nogui interface."
My understanding is that Lazarus programs usually do this at link time
as a result of setting the LCL_PLATFORM environment variable.

Well, no, it couldn't :-)

What I'm doing is writing a program using the Lazarus IDE and creating the project as "Application" so that I can easily add a full GUI later. I'm manually inserting code immediately after Application.Initialize to pick up command-line options (including --help and --version) which also gives me the ability to run the entire program from the command line if sufficient options/parameters have been supplied.

My experience in the past has been that this approach is reliable, and that it's also possible to raise a dialog for cases such as a program being run from the GUI but with a --version option.

I'm hoping to use this program as a testbed to run in three ways: non-interactively if sufficient options are supplied, with a GUI if no options are supplied, and /possibly/ using a TUI created by dialedit3b but this very much depends on whether the modifications required to get it working can be done in the limited time available.

What that will mean in practice is that irrespective of what widget set the program is compiled for it will also have the capability of running as a non-interactive (batch) utility. Call me old-school if you like but I find that useful.


Mark Morgan Lloyd
markMLl .AT. telemetry.co .DOT. uk

[Opinions above are the author's, not those of his employers or colleagues]
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