On Sun, 7 May 2017 15:15:29 +0200 (CEST)
Michael Van Canneyt via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> Hello,
> How to make the RTTI property grid display the properties of a set of
> TComponents ?
> Currently I have: (MyGrid is the property grid)
> Var
>    I : integer;
>    L : TPersistentSelectionList;
> begin
>    C:=0;
>    L:=MyGrid.Selection;
>    L.BeginUpdate;
>    try
>      L.Clear;
>      if Not Assigned(ObjectList) then
>        exit;
>      For I:=0 to ObjectList.Count-1 do
>        if ObjectList[i].Selected then
>          L.Add(ObjectList[i]);
>    finally
>      L.EndUpdate;
>      Mygrid.RefreshPropertyValues;

RefreshPropertyValues is for updating the grid, when only property
values have changed.
When the list have changed use MyGrid.ReloadTIList.


>    end;
> end;
> But the grid remains empty, even though I know multiple objects have been
> attached. I tried various things, but the grid remains empty.
> What should I do so the grid actually shows something ?
> Michael.
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