On Sun, 7 May 2017, zeljko wrote:

If you suspect on HiDPI then you should disable scaling at application
level (lazaruside) via Application.Scaled := False (or similar prop
name) . In that case TCustomForm.Scaled should not be taken into
account in any case.

Is there a command-line option for the IDE to disable this ? It seems
silly to me that I would have to modify the IDE sources every time I do
a SVN update?

AFAIK not.

Second thing: I assume that you're using Gtk2 ide. What is
windowmanager ? Does it run compositing ?

I don't know. I use a standard Linux Mint using Cinnamon desktop.

Then compositing is on, and that's probably cause of problems.

Can you explain why this would cause problems ?

Because I see many more straneg things happening.

At runtime my StatusBar disappears for some mysterious reason. I need to resize the form and then it appears again.
And it doesn't matter whether I allow scaling or not.

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