On 2017-05-26 14:11, Mattias Gaertner via Lazarus wrote:
Not actually being able to publish what is inside the package.
What do you mean with "inside"?
It lists some units, but not all. Some directories are shared by other
I see no straightforward rule to publish only the package fpgui_toolkit.

By "inside" I mean the files that are included in the original *.lpk package (what the Packages dialog shows). See the 114 files shown in the screenshot in the first message of this thread. That is the fpgui_toolkit.lpk Package Dialog - not simply a directory listing.

1) Also note that the published package unit "fpgui_toolkit.pas" (which states "Do not edit!") lists all the units of the fpgui_toolkit.lpk package, but they didn't exist in the published directory.

2) The published fpgui_toolkit.lpk also contains SearchPath entries. They were not modified from the original. Neither were the items in the Files tag.

So yeah, good you disabled that published option then, because the results were totally broken. ;-)

What could possibly work (but is more effort to implement) is to publish a package to a single directory (even if the original had multiple paths), but then the SearchPath and Files sections in the published .lpk file needs to be modified. So if somebody else opens that published package, all units are still found and is actually compilable. Just my 2c worth. But to be honest, I can't actually see a use for the "published package" functionality in the real world, so this could be chalked up as "no further action needed".


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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