14.07.2017 12:06, Valdas Jankūnas via Lazarus пишет:
> Hello,
> In file "languages/lazaruside.lt.po" resides string:
> #: lazarusidestrconsts.lischangedscoordofsfromdtodinsides
> msgid "Changed %s coord of %s from \"%d\" to \"%d\" inside %s."
> I translate it to:
> msgstr "„%4:s“ viduje „%1:s“ koordinatė „%0:s“ pakeista iš „%2:d“ į
> „%3:d“."
> After revision update this translation is always marked as
> "fuzzy,badformat". Why? Is rearrangement of arguments prohibited, or I
> don't see where I made a mistake?

IIRC currently formatting arguments in translation should match original
string, otherwise formatting is considered incorrect. It is not very
flexible, but it is simple and allows to avoid subtle errors in

Probably this check can be relaxed/made more elaborate, but I don't
think it is worth potential risks and complications.

Best regards,
 Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:gan...@narod.ru
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