On Sun, 23 Jul 2017, Martok via Lazarus wrote:

   { IUnknown }
   function QueryInterface({$IFDEF
FPC_HAS_CONSTREF}constref{$ELSE}const{$ENDIF} IID: TGUID; out Obj): Hresult;
virtual; {$IFNDEF WINDOWS}cdecl{$ELSE}stdcall{$ENDIF};

That is a historical monstrosity :)
I a gree we can do away with the IFDEFS and just use constref.

But I see already it has been translated differently in every unit (mostly
because MS made it uniform only after the headers were translated), so might as
well use the new one to keep things interesting. Carry on.

I agree the matter is a bit dubious :/
I think it's really not. We can transparently use an interface name where a GUID
is required for a reason, and that is part of why it's easier to write COM
applications in Delphi than in MS compilers.
Were your new definition applied globally and none of the APIs actually use the
non-pointer type, we might as well get rid of that feature, as it'd be useless 
The current definition makes it quite clear that it is in fact a pointer to a 
In MSDN hungarian notation terms, it is very obviously not: REFIID is
notationally different from LPIID (or just plain *IID in argument lists).

Well, I prefer something less ambiguous, not relying on murky ABI agreements.
So I acted accordingly.

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