On 2017-07-24 03:39, Lars via Lazarus wrote:
Wirth's law applies, if you know it... As computers get faster, software
gets more bloated and computers cannot keep up with the software bloat.

Indeed, and it doesn't only seem to apply to Windows software. Linux and FreeBSD software are affected too. Just last week I tried FreeBSD's "native GUI desktop environment" called Lumina, which includes a file manager application. By pure chance I ran htop and noticed the Lumina file manager uses 500MB RAM. I promptly switched back to PCManFM (a generic GTK2 base app) which has exactly the same functionality, but uses only 45MB RAM. And then FreeBSD wants to make PCManFM obsolete - what the hell!


fpGUI Toolkit - a cross-platform GUI toolkit using Free Pascal

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