On Wed, 26 Jul 2017, Graeme Geldenhuys via Lazarus wrote:

On 2017-07-26 14:54, Alexey via Lazarus wrote:
I think LCL has many CompareNNNN funcs, but misses func for TPoint. Here
it's comparing x/y screen coordinates

Why not extend TPoint with an IsEquals() method, so you can do something like

  p1: TPoint;
  p2: TPoint;
  // ... populate p1 & p2
  if p1.IsEquals(p2) then
    // do something.

ComparePoints() returning a Integer is not a very friendly return type either, whereas Boolean makes more sense.

First start by defining what ComparePoints is supposed to measure or compare.

If "equals" is needed, why not simply use p1=p2 ?

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