On Wed, 16 Aug 2017 10:47:37 +0200
Michael Schnell via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On 15.08.2017 19:29, Luca Olivetti via Lazarus wrote:
> > I has worked extremely well and reliably until fpc 2.6.4 (i.e. with 
> > string=ansistring).
> > Does it not work in 3.x?  
> I understand that storing uncoded Bytes in UTF8-Strings (hence in fpc) 
> works as good as it always had, as long as all strings are defined with 
> the same code branding as TSrings (and friends) is (i.e. UTF8), because 
> there never will be a conversion.
> But it does not work in Delphi, as here TStrings is defined to be UTF-16.

This thread is going out of topic.
Please start a new thread if you want to discuss Delphi strings.

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