On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 11:37 AM, Juha Manninen via Lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Aug 16, 2017 at 5:13 PM, Marcos Douglas B. Santos via Lazarus
> <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> Thanks. I know about this page... unfortunately looks like it is not
>> enough, since many others still complain.
> What is missing? I can try to improve it.

I cannot say from others, but I had this issue (about WideString) for now.

>> This thread is not only about WinAPI. I have this problem because I
>> need to use a Windows 3rd Lib, which uses WideString.
> Then just use WideString or UnicodeString where needed. It is not a problem.

Are you saying that I need to do this?
(following the firt example on this thread)

=== begin ===
  U: UnicodeString;
  W: WideString;
  U := IniFile.ReadString('TheLib', 'license', '');
  W := U;
  // ...
=== end ===

...and I will not get a "Warning", right?

> Note,  WideString is for OLE programming. Most often you should use
> UnicodeString. Their memory management differs.

Ok... thanks... but in my case is a OLE object that I need to use.

Best regards,
Marcos Douglas
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