Il 25/10/2017 17:15, Sven Barth ha scritto:
That's not what I asked. The documentation used a procedure pointer type, thus the documentation would still be correct if it works as the allowed usage of a method pointer type in past versions would then indeed have been a bug in Delphi.

In Delphi 7 with just a procedure pointer it accepts both forms. If P is a generic pointer and PTS is defined as a Procedure Pointer type, you may write either

P := @myProcedure;
PTS := P;


P := @myProcedure;
@PTS := P;

In both cases no error is given and myProcedure is properly called.

As soon as I can put my hands on the right platform, I'll verify what happens with Rad Studio X10, and will let you know.

However I'm planning to pass this topic to the fpc list, where I think now it belongs.


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