The thread window is in the view menu. there is a sub-menu "debug windows" and there it can be found.
It should also appear with ctrl-alt-t

The debug log window is in the same sub menu. But it is not called "log" it is called "Debug Output"
This window shows raw gdb communications.

Rather than looking at debug output, start the IDE with the following command line

lazarus.exe  --debug-log=C:\lazlog.txt --debug-enable=DBG_CMD_ECHO,DBG_STATE,DBGMI_QUEUE_DEBUG

this will create a logfile, that you can attach to your next mail (or if to big for the mailing list, send to my email directly)

On 13/11/17 15:41, Lubos Pintes via Lazarus wrote:
OS is Windows 10, Lazarus 1.9, GDB 7.2.
How can I see thread? How can I open a debug log windows? In which menu it is? Or is it displayed somewhere? Because I am unable to "see" it with screen reader. So It may look I am asking for something obvious, sorry. Dňa 13. 11. 2017 o 13:49 Martin Frb via Lazarus napísal(a):

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