On Sun, 3 Dec 2017 21:29:04 +0100
kardan via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> $ export fpcoptions='OS_TARGET=win32 CPU_TARGET=i386'
> $ make all $fpcoptions
> Makefile:215: *** The Makefile doesn't support target i386-win32,
> please run fpcmake first.  Stop.

The hint about 'run fpcmake' is misleading here. Do not run it. Please
revert any changes.
svn revert -R .

> What did I do wrong? Note that for me basic steps related to fpc are
> unknown, however I am able to follow the orders by the compiler output.

It works here with the svn checkout of fpc trunk.
Maybe you fetched the wrong repository or you have local modifications
or you have a different 'make'.

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