I can confirm behavior in Wine. When you change trVertical to trHorizotal - 
everything OK. But oppositely, trackbar calculates with new width and OLD 
height and ticks remain horizontal. When you resize it at least 1 pixel, 
everything is OK.
But I'm not able to say if the issue is in Wine or in Lazarus.
Od: Giuliano Colla via Lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org>
Komu: Lazarus mailing list <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org>
Datum: 22.12.2017 12:01
Předmět: [Lazarus] TTrackbar and Wine

Sorry, this is almost OT, but I don't know where else to ask.

While checking an application, I found a strange problem: under Windows WS when TTrackbar Orientation is trVertical, it doesn't behave properly under Wine. The widget size is correct, but Tick Marks and bar movement behave following the Width value instead of the Height value. In a real Windows environment, it works properly as it works with other

Does anybody with experience in using Lazarus and Wine under Linux have an idea of why this happens and how to fix it?

My environment: Linux CentOs 6, Lazarus 1.8.0 FPC 3.0.4, wine 1.8.6


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