I just wanted to put this idea out there, which I feel would bring
significant pleasure to a lot of Lazarus users.

Would someone consider adding or working on support to theme the entire
Lazarus IDE? I've found myself quite fond of darker themed IDE, such as VS

Darker themed IDE example

As it stand Lazarus has already the ability to change the color of the
source code editor, and some support for changing the object inspector
colors, and message window colors, but all three of these customization
systems operate independently of each other. Also there are many other tool
windows whose colors or styles cannot be customized, such as the components
list in the object inspector, the project manager, and elsewhere.

An optimal solution would be to add a single IDE theme dialog allowing
users controls the colors and default sizes of everything in the IDE. Items
could be categorized in simple groups such as background color, text
color/size, highlight color, border color/size, and so on. Color and size
settings could be saved using a name, restored, and exported for others to

I can think of a few ways this could be implemented, mainly through
offering a hook into the Graphics unit to redefine custom values for system
colors, and a flag to denote values have been overridden.

If anyone has desire to communicate the pros/cons of this proposal (both of
the concept and implementation) could you please it discuss here?
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