On Sun, 2 Sep 2018, Marco van de Voort via Lazarus wrote:

On Thu, Aug 30, 2018 at 08:38:13PM +0200, Kostas Michalopoulos via Lazarus 
FWIW your post made me realize i have a few uncommitted changes (including
a very important one - outlines
https://coinsh.red/p/2018-08-30_20_27_48-Help_-_Welcome.png) for LazHelp
:-P. I'm not working on it much though, it is mainly on life support with
the rare addition of new stuff (mainly needed because i made it a target
for a document preparation system i work on and needed some features from

I only work on the non visual (CHM reader/writer) parts.
Recently there were some new bugreports from people that use chmcmd with
Sphinx (a tool like fpdoc for .NET).

Sphinx is Python, not .NET.

I tried for 2 days to get read-the-docs (a web front-end for sphinx) to work. Never again ! The python dependencies are a complete disaster. Almost as bad
as npm...

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