Op 03-01-19 om 03:23 schreef Martok via lazarus:
Am 03.01.2019 um 00:31 schrieb Joost van der Sluis via lazarus:
Should be fixed. In FPC (added the check if the compiler exists) and in
Lazarus (do not choke on it when an exception occurs)

This may be a stupid question, but why do I now have to click through a message
"An error occured during the initialization of Fppkg: Could not find a fpc
executable in the PATH.
Check your Fppkg configuration and restart Lazarus to be able to use Fppkg's
functionality." ever time I start Lazarus?

The same holds if you remove gdb, make or the source-files of fpc's packages. While in principle Lazarus could be used without those.

There are a lot of features in Lazarus and almost no-one will ever use all of them. But they have to be configured properly so that when someone wants to use this particular feature, he or she does not drown in a swamp of vague problems.

Like with the other configuration problems that pop-up frequently, this functionality should be checked during startup with a pop-up to fix it. That's all work in progress. (Install the fppkg-package, and you can see how it could be done)

I'm not aware of ever installing/enabling/whatever-one-does any sort of package
manager, neither fppkg nor OPM...

That's because it's build-in into fpc. You can not compile fpc without using at least fpmake (not entirely true, but it's the default). So you've never configured it yourself, this is done for you. Question is where it did go wrong. You probably altered the configuration yourself, and thought that you did that properly, because no-one ever noticed you that there was a mistake somewhere. Lazarus now notifies you about the mistake.

Then the question remains: why should Lazarus warn you when you do not use the functionality? Well, see above.

Ok, and one more answer to a question that you did not pose: the new changes in Lazarus make it possible to integrate the build-system (fpmake) that Free Pascal uses into Lazarus. This opens a lot of oppurtunities, like compiling LCL-based applications on the command-line or other IDE's. Or even IDE-less environments like with Studio Code. Other ways to do dependency-checking (this is what Lazarus is currently having troubles with, checking the dependencies on Free Pascal packages, which was not done previously) and improved compilation times.

It's just some new functionality, needs some time to mature.


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