On 11/08/2019 10:56 am, Ondrej Pokorny via lazarus wrote:
> I found out that the XML format is unusual (wrong).

Fully agree. That is so INI-ish, and really not needed in XML or JSON

> I ask because I wanted to update the file format to the new Lazarus XML 
> format (without the indexes and count attributes):
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
>    <ProjectGroup FileVersion="1">
>      <Targets>
>        <Target FileName="xyz.lpi">
>          <BuildModes>
>            <Mode Name="Debug" Compile="True"/>
>            <Mode Name="Release"/>
>          </BuildModes>
>        </Target>

Looks much better! I vote for this.

I would also recommend the idea of considering JSON format, which is
less verbose, has real data types (boolean, int, float, etc - not
everything is a string value), thus making it more expressive.


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