This is very good news, that we have JsonTools parser now. I may think of using it in CudaText - ie replacing fpJSON to JsonTools.

About lib. 1) Pls add an option to handle //.... comments in json. yes, json don't allow this but CudaText and SublimeText and many programs have json configs with comments. They use libs which allow comments. fpJSON allows comments by option.

2) Pls add an option which allows "," after final dict node: { "a":1, "b":2, }

so my app can read json file with final (bad) comma after "b":2.

3) Lib must support "true", "false", "none" or "nil"(?), values like list [], with empty list, values like dict {}, with empty dict. And list inside dict etc.

Alexey Torgashin

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