On Fri, 30 Aug 2019, Anthony Walter via lazarus wrote:

Okay, so I turned on my Windows VM with a different version of FPC and ran
VerifyUnicodeChars with both FPJson and JsonTools. The resutls are the
same. JsonTools sees the unicode correctly, and something is wrong when
using FPJson. I don't know what the problem is, but other people are
noticing similar issues, so it would seem there is definitely a problem
resulting in a failure for FPJson.

Michael, you have all the information needed to find out what's wrong and
I'd be curious to learn why it's not working.

Allow me to correct you, I don't have all information:

1. Did you run my provided test program on linux ?
   (the first one I sent, not the one for the speed test)

   If my test program also shows different results on your machine,
   indeed something strange is going on.

   The reason I insist on the us of my test program and not yours,
   is that the result can be influenced by some unknown units or whatnot in 
   and my program is "bare bones".

   On the assumption my private computer can be somehow 'compromised' by years
   of FPC development I even copied my program to 2 other linux machines,
   used for production work, and the result is 'True' on both.
   (see log below for one of them, this is with standard ubuntu installed 

   I can believe the program would output something different on Windows,
   but not on another linux box.

2. Where is the source code of your test program(s) ?
   At least the ones for fpjson and jsontools.

   Without your actual source code, I cannot give advice or investigate 

I'd like to see this cleared up. fpjson has been in use in many REST
services in large production sites for at least 8 years, these services definitely use UTF8 content outside the basic ASCII or even ANSI codepages.

So the failures you see are highly surprising to me, to say the least.


Copy&paste from a quick sompile session.
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Last login: Tue Aug 20 14:23:39 2019 from
root@vmi203569:~# fpc twalter.pas -S2
Free Pascal Compiler version 3.0.4+dfsg-18ubuntu1 [2018/07/02] for x86_64
Copyright (c) 1993-2017 by Florian Klaempfl and others
Target OS: Linux for x86-64
Compiling twalter.pas
Linking twalter
/usr/bin/ld.bfd: warning: link.res contains output sections; did you forget -T?
26 lines compiled, 0.4 sec
root@vmi203569:~# ./twalter Handles unicode chars correctly: >{ "name": "Joe®Schmoe", "occupation": "bank teller \u00Ae " }<
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