On Sat, 14 Sep 2019, Ryan Joseph via lazarus wrote:

On Sep 14, 2019, at 2:07 PM, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus 
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

By default, FPC also does not allow C style operators.

You need to provide the -Sc command-line flag to the parser or set the 
appropriate flag manually on the parser object.

I tried using -Mobjfpc because I know c style operators are a mode switch but that didn’t work. I guess modes are not supported in the parser and we need to use all the various -S flags?

Modes & modeswitches are supported, but -Mobjfpc does not switch on C style 

You need -Sc, just as in FPC, the -M command-line switch is not supported by
the ParseSource() routine, it has only a limited set of options implemented.

if you need/want more control, you can just create the scanner and parser, and
set any flag you want: the ParseSource is a simple routine that will set up
the parser/scanner with some very basic options.

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