I am working on a video editing tool for Windows and Linux.

Earlier I was adviced to use VLC as the engine and PasLibVlc as the
So I have created the editor, which works well for me, but I have two
new functions I want to add and I don't know how...

1) FF video playback
I want to be able to fast forward the video with audio present like my
LG SmartTV can. Is that possible through the VLC plug-in?

2) Maximize
I also want to run the player maximized to full screen, again I don't
know how. Any suggsetions?
Right now I only can maximize my main form itself but that brings
along all of the panels with the editing controls too...
Most video players nowadays have this little square that when clicked
maximizes the video canvas itself so the video is full screen, how is
that done?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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