Op 19-04-2020 om 19:59 schreef Werner Pamler via lazarus:
Am 17.04.2020 um 13:43 schrieb Joost van der Sluis via lazarus:
Everyone can log-in with a bug-tracker of forum account. Note that every fpc-version has it's own repository. And that there are two flavours: testing and production. Everyone can add packages to testing. For now adding to production is only possible for administrators.

Does this mean that every forum user can post fpc packages? Will there be a review? I guess we will drown in garbage. Forum users, don't misunderstand me, I am not saying that you are posting poor software in general, but we've had some evil-minded guys out there in the forum. Sorry I am thinking of the worst: will there be access rights so that a poster can only modify his own packages? (CCR for example does not have them - we're lucky that nobody has abused it so far, but here not every forum user has access).

As you can see here: https://fppkg.cnoc.nl/documentation there are some regulations.

When things get out of control, we can change them.

For now: if you add a new package, no-one can see it and no-one can download it until a manager (atm: that's me) approves it.

Once approved, the maintainer (or admin) of the package can change it at will. And the changes will become available in the test-repository. (not instantly, atm this is a manual step from the administrator. But it might get automated for the testing-repository in the future) This also means that the package will be available to all users that adapt their fppkg-configuration to use the test-repository. (They might do that, for example, to test their own packages)

And once again, only administrators can add packages to the production repository.

Also note that the system does a test-build of packages. For now only a x86_64-linux, but when people start really using it, I can invest some time and add some other platforms.


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