On Wed, Jun 3, 2020 at 2:04 PM Luca Olivetti via lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> El 3/6/20 a les 18:53, silvioprog via lazarus ha escrit:
> Thank you.
> I tested the 2 ports approach (fpweb on one port and a custom socket for
> SSE on a different port) and it works, but this is nicer.

Pretty good! Maybe providing a small example would be useful for the
community. ☺

Is brookframework stable enough to run 24/7?

Yes, it is. We have been using it as Apache/Nginx replacement running in
production in an application as service (daemon) 24/7 in ~47 customers
providing data for several clients (web, mobile and desktop).

Silvio Clécio
lazarus mailing list

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