On Thu, 30 Jul 2020 18:05:46 +0200, Bo Berglund via lazarus
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

>Is this by design or is there a setting somewhere to disable this
>strange behaviour for the left arrow button?
>In the Delphi 2007 editor there is a down arrow to the right side
>which if clicked displays a list of files open in the editor and by
>selecting the wanted file that tab is immediately brougt into focus.
>Can Lazarus be configured to display such an editor file list too?
>If so how?

In fact if I use the Windows version of Lazarus 2.0.8 there are 2
arrow buttons on the top right hand side of code editor wich work
satisfactorily for the purpose of scrolling the tabs.
Can that not also be enabled in Linux, please?

Bo Berglund
Developer in Sweden

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