On Sun, Feb 21, 2021 at 12:08 PM Mattias Gaertner via lazarus <
lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:

> On Sun, 21 Feb 2021 11:50:49 +0200
> Christo Crause via lazarus <lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
> > I'm busy working on expanding AVR support in fpdebug/fpdebugdebugger.
> >  Some of the property classes overlap with classes already defined in
> > gdbmidebugger and I want to move these classes up the hierarchy to
> > avoid duplication.  This introduces extra dependencies and I need to
> > update the affected component make files. I started doing this using
> > the "Create Makefile" option in the Lazarus package tool with FPC 3.2
> > and noticed large changes in the resulting make file, mostly related
> > to deleted targets such as xtensa-freertos.  Should I use FPC trunk
> > (and more specifically fpcmake from trunk) for  development of
> > Lazarus, or is this just required when regenerating make files?
> >
> > Also the build order of some of the targets needs to be reordered in
> > the root make file to satisfy the dependency chain,  can I update the
> > Makefile.fpc and MakeFile by hand, or is there a tool/option to also
> > update these make files which are not part of a package?
> The Lazarus Makefiles are created from the corresponding Makefile.fpc.
> In order to support fpc trunk, you need fpc trunk sources.
> You can update one Makefile by calling the one liner (e.g linux 64bit):
> FPCDIR=/path/to/fpc_sources/trunk/fpc/
> /path/to/fpc_sources/trunk/fpc/utils/fpcm/bin/x86_64-linux/fpcmake
> -TAll -v

Thank you Mattias, that does the trick.
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