MaskList is used in TCustomShellTreeView.GetFilesInDir().
It sets a mask option *moDisableSets*. Why are sets disabled? Is it to stay
compatible with FindFirstUTF8() syntax?
I don't fully understand the comment. Why would EConvertError be raised?

      //Disable the use of sets in the masklist.
      //this behaviour would be incompatible with the situation if no
MaskList was used
      //and it would break backwards compatibilty and could raise
unexpected EConvertError where it did not in the past.
      //If you need sets in the MaskList, use the OnAddItem event for that.
      MaskOptions := [moDisableSets];
      {$ifdef NotLiteralFilenames}
      if (ACaseSensitivity = mcsCaseSensitive) then
        MaskOptions := [moDisableSets, moCaseSensitive];
      if (ACaseSensitivity <> mcsCaseInsensitive) then
        MaskOptions := [moDisableSets, moCaseSensitive];
      MaskList := TMaskList.Create(MaskStr, ';', MaskOptions);  //False by

Anyway I don't see why a useful Mask syntax should be disabled. Can this be
solved by other means?
Can José's mask do a similar thing?

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