21.07.2021 0:03, Dietmar Braun via lazarus пишет:

sorry if I'm wrong here, but I posed my question in the Lazarus forum and was redirected here, so I am asking here again...

After some years of pausing Lazarus development, I just started again with a small project and the problems I had years ago with MultiLanguage - these days, I managed to create a working multilanguage application, but when I try to distribute it, I run into problems.

My directory structure looks like this:
project (main folder): project1.exe
!--languages (sub folder): project1.de.mo, project1.en.mo

Make sure you are using at least Lazarus 2.2 RC1.
Make sure you do not have PO and POT files in this subdirectory.

With this setting, switching from the default (German) to English (en) does not work. It seems the .mo files are just being ignored. When I add the .PO files to the subfolder, it works.

Can you advise? I just don't want to have to distribute the plain text .po files...


Best regards,
 Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:gan...@narod.ru
lazarus mailing list

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