On 06/01/2023 8:26 am, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus wrote:
> Given the many dialects in markdown (specially for multiline/continuation 
> things), 
> it'll be interesting to see how it reacts on them ๐Ÿ˜„

Hence I always recommend AsciiDoc over Markdown. ;-) There are many
basic documentation concepts that MD simply doesn't support. Just to
name a few:

* Built-in comment support
* Admonition blocks
* More control over images
* More control over lists
* Better table handling
* Auto table-of-content generation (not all MD dialects
  support this)
* AsciiDoc is one standard and dialect
* AsciiDoc never needs to embed HTML to accomplish something,
  because the target might not always be HTML.

Just my 2ยข worth. :)

  - Graeme -

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