Did you call the form with Form2.ShowModal?

Ottieni BlueMail per Android

Il giorno 11 Feb 2023, 23:26, alle ore 23:26, Bart via lazarus 
<lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> ha scritto:
>On Sat, Feb 11, 2023 at 9:26 PM gabor via lazarus
><lazarus@lists.lazarus-ide.org> wrote:
>> Have you set the TBitButton.ModalResult property or TBitButton.Kind
>> property appropriately?
>This would normally also set ModalResult to mrOk (Kind := bkOK) or
>mrCancle (Kind := bkCancel).
>Setting the modalresult to those values should be enough (no OnClick
>needed) to close the modal form.
>It definitively does so for me.
>lazarus mailing list
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