30.06.2023 17:25, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus пишет:

On Fri, 30 Jun 2023, Maxim Ganetsky via lazarus wrote:

30.06.2023 16:55, Michael Van Canneyt via lazarus пишет:

On Fri, 30 Jun 2023, Maxim Ganetsky via lazarus wrote:

Basically, version numbering is all about "marketing". By always increasing major version we tell to the general audience that major release indeed contains major changes (which is always the case).

So we solve/improve "marketing" issues.

BTW, in my opinion FPC has similar issues and will benefit from such approach to versioning too.

That was funny to read :-)

I think the biggest issue in this regard is actually making releases to begin with.

Yes indeed, but then in case of rare releases it is even more important to have right version numbering. :)

Changing versioning is an easy and logical move in any case, why not do it?

That was even more funny to read...

Honestly: I'll settle for actually managing to get a release out.

Yes indeed, this is most important. But I fail to see how these moves contradict each other.

In any case, this is relevant only for the next major release (so next major version of FPC will be e.g. 4.0, not 3.4.0 ).

And yes, this is minor issue/move, but still is IMO important (it is always wise to show to the general audience that the project is alive and kicking, which is indeed the case for FPC compiler too).

But again, by any means, I do not insist on this. It is just a suggestion to consider.

Best regards,
 Maxim Ganetsky                  mailto:gan...@narod.ru

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