Zaher Dirkey wrote:
syncompletion.pas in synedit component

1 -
in TSynBaseCompletionForm class

What for

FAnsi: boolean;
property ffAnsi: boolean read fansi write fansi;

2 -same for TSynBaseCompletion

    RFAnsi: boolean;
    SFAnsi: boolean;

    property AnsiStrings: boolean read SFAnsi write RFAnsi;

If not used i made some modification on it (removed that variables and
add CaseSensitive to it)

Can i send the patch
You are right, in there current form, they make little sense.
They are the left over from a basic latin1/ansi only CaseSensitive flag.

RFAnsi/SFAns used to forward the setting from Completion to the Form (that got broken in 2002)

I think I will  replace it by a CaseSensitive (utf8 based) option?
Thanks for pointing this out, anyway.

Before this can be fixed, the below needs to be fixed, otherwise it will be hard to test it.

3 - The Auto Complete in TSynCompletion not worked fine with me, it is
just 2 char and then stop search for the keyword, after that pressing
Enter not close the AutoComplete

procedure TMainForm.LoadCompletion;
  procedure FillNow(Name: string; SchemaItems: TmncSchemaItems);
    i: Integer;
    for i := 0 to SchemaItems.Count - 1 do
  Completion.Editor := SQLEdit;
  Completion.EndOfTokenChr := Completion.EndOfTokenChr + #13;
  //Completion.CaseSensitive := True;
  EnumerateKeywords(Ord(tkDatatype), SqliteTypes, SQLEdit.IdentChars,
  FillNow('Table', sqlvEngine.Session.Tables);
Just tried this, you are right it doesn't seem to work at all. probably buggy. You can report it on mantis, so it wont be forgotten.

Thing is the IDE uses it's own code to do this, search ccComplet in SourceEditor.pp if interested

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