Brian Prentice schrieb:
Thank you for your replies on this matter. No one addressed the underlying problem here. I believe that all the examples should be run prior to a major release and those that do not run should be removed. This should be a significant part of regression testing. This was clearly not done on the Intel Mac version and from your replies has never been done for this version.

The problem is: who should run the tests? Not every developer of an example can test his code on all target platforms. Removing examples, that do not run on a specific platform, IMO is no reasonable decision. Instead a general README file could list the platforms, on which every sample application has been tested, with what result.

My original request repeated below remains unanswered.

I have recently installed fpc 2.2.4 and lazarus on my intel mac which is running OS X 10.5.8 from here:

Since such hardware and OS is not available to most example developers, you could test all sample applications and report. I'm willing to update the README files accordingly.


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