
there are at least 2 request issues for undo feature for the form designer.
I always dreamt of such a feature in Delphi but it still hasn't got one.
In Lazarus it would be nice.

I guess other people have thought of it, too. How to implement it? Where to 
hook the code for undo? Maybe there is even experimental code for it 
somewhere. I would like to know about the detailed ideas if there are any.

I was browsing Lazarus source code. Designer, ControlSelection...
Now I understand why you guys haven't documented the Lazarus internals. Object 
Pascal has so clear syntax that it doesn't need any documentation!
I understood the code immediately when I looked at it!
Ok, not quite. Some high level diagrams and other documents would help indeed.
It is possible to understand the program logic from just the source by using 
editor's code browsing features, but it takes more time.

Juha Manninen

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