I have just started using FPC/Lazarus and m still setting up my installations on Ubuntu 9.10. I've run into a situation...

I downloaded the new FPC 2.4.0 using the "everything in one file" tarball. I ran the install.sh script and all looks like it worked fine.

I then downloaded the latest stable Lazarus and installed that. During that install it saw the existing fpc.cfg file and I chose to keep it.

The installer then said it could not find the FPC sources and blanked out the path to the sources. Lazarus now runs but starts with a warning dialog that says "The Free Pascal source directory was not found. Some code functions will not work. it is recommended you install it and set the path."

Why does the Lazarus IDE need the source code for the compiler? I'm not planning any cross-compiling nor am I planning on changing the compiler itself at all. Why would I be told that these are important files?

Doug C.
A: Because it messes up the order in which people normally read text.
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A: Top-posting.
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