On Tue, 26 Jan 2010, Graeme Geldenhuys wrote:

Joost van der Sluis wrote:

That has nothing to do with it. (With Git you would also have to use a
local command to use this branch/part)


Joost, I did not mean to offend you or your work in any way, I'm simply
wanted to point out what a more modern SCM tool can do, and with the hope
that "maybe" (a big maybe I know) one day you guys will see the light -
just like you did before when you guys moved from CVS to SubVersion. Times
change, and so does software. What was the best tool for the job 7 years
ago, is probably not the best tool today.

This may all be true (or not true, I leave that subject to discussion), but after some time, this blatant advocacy gets incredibly irritating.

If the FPC team decides to change the versioning system, they will do so, based on the needs of the team and after considering the available alternatives. Till then, any advocacy is just annoying and largely irrelevant.

We got the message meanwhile: we're blessed with some intelligence, I hope...


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