On 5 February 2010 17:41, Vladimir Zhirov <vvzh.li...@gmail.com> wrote:
> AggPas demo in <lazarus>\components is great,
> but I've got a question about it.
> <lazarus>\components\aggpas\lazarus\example\AggPasInLCLDemo2.lpr

You have more luck than me then... I get instant application crashes
when I try and run any of those two Lazarus demos.

Umm, looking at the code I see Mattias implemented AggPas via the
FPCanvas unit - just what I wanted to do before using it as an extra
backend for fpGUI. Thanks Mattias - you saved me a lot of work. ;-)

  - Graeme -

fpGUI - a cross-platform Free Pascal GUI toolkit

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