A little good news in the whole "blanket blocking" discussion:

SourceForge seem to have changed the policy regarding the block - perhaps the Free Pascal project and Lazarus should look into these changes:


Kind regards,
Torsten Bonde Christiansen.

svaa wrote:

Because of USA policy, Sourceforge  has blocked users from Cuba, Iran
North Corea and other "rogue countries".

I am from Spain and have a contact in Cuba (we have worked together in
some projects, mainly translations into Spanish). I have talked him
sometimes about Lazarus, although he is not a pascal guy, he sometimes
downloads it and checks it.

I don't mind to download Lazarus and to put it in my site for him. Probably he could use a anonymizer too. But I
think it's a waste of time and resources.

I don't intend to start a flame about USA's foreign policy. But perhaps
you could think an alternative. Not necessarily to move away from
Sourceforge, but maybe to have a mirror in an alternative repository
without such restrictions and link it in Lazarus' site

Santiago A.

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