Maybe I don't get you but...

Is there more simple way to add control icons to my package using new resource style in FPC 2.4 like this

{$R 'images\TNewEdit.png'}

if this is possible, what else do you happen to have in mind?

anyway, maybe you can use a TImageList (or whatever it's called), populate at design-time with your images; then access the "resource" from the list using its index. (this is usually what I do if I need images in my projects, when they are the same size. If they are not, I just fill an array/named-list and access it via const-names; I use config-files as well to populate the images, so that a user can easily redefine his images; this is a very little payload, but provides you great flexibility with once-written code)

Just my 2c for it.

Cheers, A.

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