
I am trying to build a GPS Navigation Software with FreePascal (and probably Lazarus) for Windows Mobile, something like Garmin XT or IGO but better :-) I was already able to read the position and other data from the GPS unit thanks to a unit I found in the forum gpsapi.pas... It works grait!
I want to give thanks to the author of it!

It is a spare time work, so don´t expect to see it working soon.

Now, I will start the interface and I don´t know what interfase to use... I am between:
1) use a TPaintBox (standard) and paint the map inside
2) use OpenGL... but I never used it and I don´t know if it is available in Windows Mobile (CE 5.0, 5.1 and 5.2)
3) FpGui
4) KolCE
5) Other?

I expect to release it as LGPL... Is anybody else interested on working on this stuf with me?
Does anybody already have something done?

The main objectives of the first version will be:
1) To draw the maps (2D view) including the current position (GPS)
2) To create, edit or delete a route (couple of points to visit) with a time restriction for each. 3) The possibility to create routes in the PC and then transfer them to to GPS device 4) The software indicate the best option for the next point of the route (because of distance and time restriction) 5) Import maps from other existing map sources (OpenStreetMap? Garmin? Igo? GoogleMaps?) 6) The ability to fix the map: street direction and numbering in the GPS device

In the next version, I expect
1) The software to calculate and indicate the route to the next point
2) Voice guide
3) Sound for speed limit exceed and others

After this... will see :-)



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