On 7/11/10, Hans-Peter Diettrich <drdiettri...@aol.com> wrote:
> Noli Sicad schrieb:

> This does not explain how the use of another editor component will
> improve Lazarus projects. What are the real advantages of Scintilla over
> SynEdit?

> DoDi

>>>So if you want us to be interested, tell us what it does and how it will 
>>>enrich our lives.

I thought that the question is about Scintilla. How scintilla would
enrich our lives.

Yes, you are right it might not help  improve Lazarus projects. I just
found out the Lazarus IDE is synedit IDE in SynEdit project webpage.

> What are the real advantages of Scintilla over
> SynEdit?

Again, I am new to Lazarus and SynEdit, just using it this week.
Probably not much.

Is SynEdit better than Scintilla?

Now, I am looking for IDE similar to SciTE that uses SynEdit and you
can configure what application to run in the IDE.

By the way, anybody knows SynEdit demos that run with the Synedit
version in lazarus. I only saw 2 examples in the lazarus example
folder. More examples is useful.

For SynEdit folks in Lazarus, I think it would be good to have similar
project in SynEdit that mimick  SciTE IDE.

Everybody knows SciTE, right?

The russian version of SciTE is better than the original SciTE. Gusek
based on SciTE-ru is what I am using right now in Windows. I am
looking for SciTE for Mac OS X which does not exist.


Thanks. Noli

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