Frank Church pisze:

2010/7/13 Bogusław Brandys < <>>


    I'd like to set TDBGrid when almost all columns except first are
    read- only. So far so good - I have set them to read only and first
    column which is boolean type has nice checkboxes. I have two little
    problems yet : when scrolling with down arrow DBGrid tries to add
    empty row in the end of table , and also when somebody press
    Ctrl+Delete he can delete a record from dataset (I have TDBGrid
    connected to the TSQLQUery result).

    How to prevent those two little issues ?

Check the Options property for those settings


    Lazarus mailing list

Frank Church


Solutions were given to me  by a user from IRC channel :
to prevent Ctrl+Delete it's needed to place Abort into OnBeforeDelete of TSQlQuery and set dbgrid option dgConfirmDelete to false. To prevent adding new record it is needed to put DataSet.Cancel in OnNewRecord event of assocciated tSQlQuery.

Thank you very much.


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