Hi to all!

I am using Lazarus 2 years. Now I want to try develop some features for
I want make something like Eclipse (java IDE) feature. When user move mouse
cursor over class property or method, my patch mast show hint window, which
allow make some changes in class definition: change type, scope, set and get
methods, etc. It will works as powerful refactoring tool. I think it will be
very nice feature!

I have seen some source files, but they hasn't comments, so I can't
understand how it works or must waste a lot of time for understanding.
I would be very much obliged to you if you can ask me where source codes
contains following:

   - hint window in code editor: it's showning condition, content (variable
   description, for example), etc.
   - getting information about variables, classes, types, functions, for

user writes:
uses *AncectorClass;

*type *
  TMyChild = *class *(TMyAncector)


How can I recieve code of *TMyAncector *class as string or string list?

Please, ask me which units of IDE sources can help me?

P. S. I found modules *FindDeclarationTool, CodeTree, CodeCache* In
$LazarusDir$/components/examples/codetools. Is it units what I need?
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