On 25.09.2010 22:48, Frank Church wrote:
I am now get the dreaded "Fatal: Can't find unit Contnrs used by xxxxx"
error, yet it is located in <source_dir>/packages/fcl-base/src/contnrs.pp

That normally means that the compiler is still using the wrong configuration file. It might still use the ~/.fpc.cfg (or even the /etc/fpc.cfg) which point to the 2.2.4 paths. You need to override the paths in there with the ones from your current installation. For that just backup the current ~/.fpc.cfg (or copy the one from /etc/fpc.cfg to ~/.fpc.cfg) and add "/home/???/LazarusInstalls/fpc240" before all "/lib/..." paths. If there are "2.2.4" values you should also replace them by "2.4.0".

Sidenote: the compiler shouldn't look for "contnrs.pp" but for "contnrs.ppu" (and "contnrs.o") in "~/LazarusInstalls/fpc240/lib/fpc/2.4.0/units/i386-linux/rtl", because those units were already compiled when calling "make".


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