I asked about serial communications in my thread about embedded development 
and I was told to look at the serial unit, which I have done now.

I also looked at the Lazarus wiki about hardware interfaces where there is
a section about serial communications, which actually points to the
SynaSer system.
There were also replies with brief discussions about AsyncPro clone
development etc.

Now after having a deeper look at the two suggseted comm systems serial
and syanaser I am not very comfortable....

It looks like the  serial.pp unit implements a blocking system even though
it is not clearly written as such. But the synaser unit is definitely

Since I am used to having event driven serial communication my question
is really twofold:

1) Is serial communication with events not possible in FPC on Linux?

2) How can one use blocking reads when there is no way to know exactly when
data will arrive? Everything else will stop when waiting for data, right?

Additionally I have another nonrelated question:

3) How can one enumerate the existing com ports on Linux? In Windows I know
how to do this and thus I can get a list of valid ports for the user to 
select from. Is there some way also in Linux using FPC?

Best regards,

Bo Berglund

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