On 02.10.2010 18:21, waldo kitty wrote:
You should do it the following way:

Create a "components" or "3rdparty" directory somewhere where you have
access to (at the side of directory containing your projects perhaps).
Then copy
the "Sdpo" directory to this new directory and proceed as mentioned in
INSTALL file, but using that directory instead of the
"/usr/lib/lazarus/" one.

This is a much cleaner way of doing this in my opinion.

agreed... except, how are multiple users to be able to use the component
like those built into Laz? it appears to me that the instructions were
thinking in this manner and so the component is added to those that come
with Laz so that it is available to all users...

In our company we have the 3rd party components (and our own ones) included in the svn repo as well. And everyone installs them in the IDE when it's first configured.

I'm following this approach at home as well: I have three computers that I'm using (one small Windows PC when traveling, one i386-linux laptop as main computer and a x86_64-linux desktop as "server") and they are all getting the custom Lazarus packages (e.g. lnet) from my Git repository.


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