On 29 September 2010 08:38, Mattias Gaertner <nc-gaert...@netcologne.de>wrote:

> On Wed, 29 Sep 2010 06:59:02 +0100
> Frank Church <vfcli...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > If you are using different Lazarus versions but with same components and
> > packages, how would you organize separate build directories for the
> > different versions, but same source location.
> >
> > eg. say I am using fpc 2.2.4/ lazarus 0.9.28, fpc 2.4.0 / lazarus 0.9.29
> and
> > fpc 2.5.1/ lazarus 0.9.29
> >
> > All though the package source files would be in one place (with necessary
> > ifdefs for compiler and lazarus versions) I would like the units to go
> into
> > say lazarus_0928_224/components/package_name_dir,
> lazarus0928240/components
> > package_name_dir, lazarus0929251/components/package_name_dir.
> >
> > Would I have to configure that in the separate IDEs, or in the package
> > source files themselves?
> There are many ways.
> For example use one lazarus config directory for each version
> combination and make all package output directories read only. Then the
> IDE will put the ppu files into the config directory.
Can this be achieved via macros?

 For instance I have just posted a blog article on FPC/Lazarus compilaton at
and what I want to do is to have the build_name variable as available to the

e.g if a lazarus build is named lazarus_0920_27001, I would like to use a
macro based on the package name as well as the lazarus build name, so the
compiler knows that units for zeoslib for instance go to directory

Even if the package sources must be modified that should be a minor problem.

Surely something like that must be possible.

I think it would also solve the problem of backporting packages made for fpc
2.5.1/lazarus 0.9.29 to the 0.9.28 and even the 0.9.26 series as it is
extremely unlikely that they depend on language features only present in fpc

Delphi developers are still producing code compatible with Delphi 7. Delphi
7 still appears to be the reference platform for Delphi development.

> Mattias
> --
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