On 07/10/2010 10:07, Mark Morgan Lloyd wrote:
> Lukasz Sokol wrote:
>> This shows you that root owns all these ports, and dialout group
>> is allowed to use it too, no others (man chmod).
>> So to get your port working, you need to change your user group (add the 
>> username
>> to group dialout in /etc/group file), then log out and log in again.
> I'd suggest not doing that manually, since there might be an /etc/gshadow 
> file that needs to be kept in step. Gnome will have a user management program 
> which should be used in preference, not being a Gnome user I can't provide 
> more detail.
Yeah, can be found under System -> Administration menu in the default Gnome. 
Don't remember the name now thou.


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