On 12/03/2010 08:22 PM, Martin wrote:
On 03/12/2010 13:09, Michael Schnell wrote:

What do do, depends on how you got into the error.

Did you update FPC?
Yep from the svn
Did you install a 2nd newer version of fpc in parallel to the 1st fpc?
No. I only have an old version (that is not installed but just extracted) that allows compiling the svn version of FPC. Same is only referenced to when starting the FPC make file. It's not in the PATH. Moreover I extracted same a long time after the Lazarus compiling problems started.
Do you have several fpc versions and copied the installation to a different path?
> which fpc

c> whereis fpc
fpc: /usr/bin/fpc /etc/fpc.cfg /usr/lib/fpc /usr/bin/X11/fpc /usr/local/bin/fpc /usr/local/lib/fpc /usr/share/man/man1/fpc.1.gz

> /usr/local/bin/fpc
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2010/12/03] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
/usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppc386 [options] <inputfile> [options]
c> /usr/bin/X11/fpc
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2010/12/03] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
/usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppc386 [options] <inputfile> [options]

> /usr/local/bin/fpc
Free Pascal Compiler version 2.5.1 [2010/12/03] for i386
Copyright (c) 1993-2010 by Florian Klaempfl
/usr/lib/fpc/2.5.1/ppc386 [options] <inputfile> [options]
Same for Lazarus.
> which Lazarus

> whereis Lararus

Did you install a new Lazarus snapshot, that contains a newer fpc version?
Did you install it to a new location, in parallel to the old one?

Some config file has the wrong settings now.
The problem started just after some new checkout of the Lazarus and/or FPC svn (and/or FPC recompile and install) without me doing something additional to what I did several times before.

I do suppose a problem with some .cfg file, anyway. But what cfg file(s) actually are used ?

Check what fpc compiler lazarus is using.
How to check  this ?
Check which fpc.cfg file this compiler uses, if it is started from inside Lazarus, or from within the makefile if you use make. (start fpc with -va / lots of output / search for fpc.cfg)
I just do "Tools" -> "Configure Build Lazarus" -> "Clean Up and Build All" in the IDE. How to see what is happening regarding the cfg files ?

Check that all -Fu and other paths in this fpc.cfg file point to directories that where installed with this version of fpc.
I'll do when I found that file.
Note, that if you change your fpc.exe, you must also have a complete new set of ppu files for fpc (rtl)

Check all directories in Lazarus. All -Fu settings, if you use any in building the IDE.
I'll try to locate any cfg files there.
If you are not sure, find your laz-config dir, back-up it,and empty it.
or "user and settings" on older windows

clean out all *.ppu and *.o files in your lazarus directory, and in the directory of any package you installed and use in this lazarus installation.
I'll do so.

Thanks !

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