Hi All,

see below.

Fond Regards, Peter Eric WILLIAMS
--- Hobart, Tasmania, Australia
--- Phone: +61 (03) 6236-9675
My free websites are:  http://pewink.info   (&)

On 29 December 2010 20:59, Peter E Williams <pewslinuxva...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Hi,
> see comments below.
> [snip]

> Basically just:
>> $ svn co http://svn.freepascal.org/svn/lazarus/trunk lazarus
>> $ cd lazarus
>> $ make all
>> $ ./lazarus &
>> > > use the normal diff format for your patch.
> This is the step I don't understand.
> How do I use the normal diff format for my patch?

I am still waiting for an answer for how the diff command works.

> I know nothing of how the diff command works. We all learn somewhere [sic
> sometime]. :-)


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